Sunday, January 30, 2011
VIDEOS!Lanzbom&Solomon concert,Jan. 22, 2011
You're forewarned: I now shut off the camera when I want to dance. :)
Wednesday, January 9, 2012 update: I regret to inform you that the links above no longer function--YouTube informed that they'd received a "privacy complaint," and I had to delete the videos. Sorry.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
New York, sugar-frosted
Slippin' and slidin', my feet went a-glidin'
on snow in my city
But it sure was pretty
See also Sun., Jan. 30, 2011 photo update, How snowy was it?
Informal label: Poem
Monday, January 24, 2011
Parsha catch-up: Parshat Yitro
Here are some of my thoughts:
- Having been born and raised in the 20th century, I can't help but be irked by the fact that the text depicts Moshe/Moses apparently spending hours yacking with his father-in-law, but doesn't say a single word about his reunion with his wife and kids.
- Nowadays, we certainly wouldn't let a non-Jew lead a Jewish service, but it seems to have been common for a person of one religion to make sacrifices to the god(s) of another.
- Funny, G-d never said anything about "not coming near a woman" while await the giving of the law. Moshe's a sexist.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
A pile-up of my posts from this past week(+VIDEOS!)
- Our wonderful weekend at Limmud NY (part 1)
- Limmud NY--more courses, more fun
- Riskin discusses controversial topics at Limmud NY
- Limmud NY: Some observations and reactions
- I don't get it
- Inconsistent
- Quote of the day, and food for thought On having to decide which is more important to me: being in an egalitarian community or being in an observant one.
Labels: Limmud
Friday, January 21, 2011
Quote of the day, and food for thought
On the one hand, I have a hard time understanding why anyone who's gay would want to stay affliliated with Orthodoxy, given the strong bigotry towards gay people in the vast majority of the Orthodox community. After all, you don't need to be "Orthodox", which is really only a social contruct, to be shomer mitzvot.
But I suspect that there's a parallel to the way I feel. I don't really agree with the Orthodox community on many points of hashkafa, and am comfortable in an egalitarian environment. But I affiliate with Orthodoxy, more or less, because I want to be part of a shomer shabbat & kashrut community. Outside of some places like JTS and some other (rather expensive) neighborhoods in NYC and Boston, it's almost impossible to find a heterodox, yet observant community.
Gay Orthodox Jews probably want the same thing - an observant community. A shabbaton like this may be a good start.
2 days ago, 12:10:19 PM
[ ¶ ]That's the question: I prefer an egalitarian environment, but do I also "want to be part of a shomer shabbat & kashrut community," and if so, will I find it necessary to conclude that being in an observant community, which is almost impossible to find among Conservative Jews, is more important to me than being in an egalitarian one?
[ ¶ ] And would becoming "culturally Modern Orthodox," as opposed to "philosophically Modern Orthodox," really be such a terrible thing?
[ ¶ ]The jury's still out. Stay tuned.
Rabbis Shlomo Riskin and Avi Weiss are among the leading supporters of expanded opportunities for learning, leadership, and, where halachah/Jewish religious law allows, active roles in religious services for Orthodox Jewish women. Yet neither one can do much more in the kitchen than boil water. I don't get it.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Limmud NY: Some observations and reactions
The advantages of the Institute are:
- It lasts a week, enabling more in-depth study--each participant takes one morning and one afternoon class for the entire week.
- With a longer get-together, and with multiple-session classes, it provides more opportunities to spend quality time getting to know people.
- It's closer to New York City, and easier for someone from the NYC area to get to, especially with charter buses leaving from Manhattan and Brooklyn. Aside from providing shuttles from the airport and a ride-seeker's message board online, the Institute leaves transportation arrangements to the attendees.
- It's all under one roof, rather than in half a dozen different buildings scattered around a college campus, and I'm lazy--I'd rather save my energy for dancing. :)
- It's less ideological, and, therefore, attracts a broader spectrum of attendees. The NHC is, on principal, egalitarian, and, to the best of my knowledge, still won't officially organize any service that doesn't allow equal participation by women in leading services and reading Torah, though there has been much discussion, over the years, about changing this policy. Consequently, Orthodox attendees have to pray with a non-Orthodox minyan, by themselves, or in informal services that they organize themselves, and no Torah scrolls are provided to Orthodox minyanim. [Tues., Jan 25, 2010 correction: Commenter BZ said "The NHC policy is actually that Torah scrolls would be provided to non-egal minyanim if organized by participants (though I'm not aware of any such minyanim actually happening since I've been involved with the NHC)."] Limmud, on the other hand, provides for a broad spectrum of observance in planning their minyanim. Check out the Shabbat (Sabbath) morning line-up of services here. The printed program specified not only which services had mechitzot and which mechitzah minyanim allowed some female leadership, it also specified which services would use amplification and/or musical instruments on Shabbat. As a result of their commitment to pluralism, inclusiveness, or whichever term you prefer, there were many more Orthodox attendees than I remember having seen at the Havurah Institutes that we attended in 2008 and 2009.
What a pity that many in the Orthodox community observe the rule of Kol Isha that prohibits a man from listening to a woman sing. They miss out not only on the sound of women's voices, but also on the beauty and joy of mixed-gender harmony singing.
(Sun., Jan. 23, 2011 update: here's a video snippet of Rachel's and Matti's Sunday-night performance)
A shout-out to my new friends
Shoshana Jedwab, who attended Rabbi Hammer's Miriam the Priestess class with me, apparently appreciated my comments enough to ask me whether I was a writer. Holy Moses, who, me? I just write for my blog, I told her. So she asked for the URL. I figured it was an even trade, since I enjoyed her drumming as much as she enjoyed my yacking. Shoshana, you rock, figuratively and literally!
I also made a new friend at the shuk ("market")--Chaya Adler-Poretsky was selling kippot (yarmulkes, skullcaps) as a fundraiser for the school in which she's a student, Yeshivat Maharat. In between discussions about how I wanted her to make my new beribboned raspberry-red and white kippah about an inch bigger, I mentioned my opinion that there was no good reason for a woman with grown children not to observe the time-bound commandments, such as wearing a tallit (prayer shawl), since "B'nei Yisrael/The Children of Israel" (mentioned in the third paragraph of the Sh'ma quote) includes women. The Torah certainly includes women when it says "V'shamru V'nei Yisrael et haShabbat, the Children of Israel will observe the Sabbath," and when the Torah wants to specify males, it does--"Shalosh p'amim bashanah yeiraeh kol z'chur'cha, Three times a year shall all your males appear . . ." Chaya reminded me that the rabbis distinguished between B'nei Yisrael, the Sons of Israel, and Beit Yaakov, the House of Jacob, traditionally interpreted as referring to the women. I'm looking forward to having additional interesting conversations with Chaya in the future.
Speaking of time-bound mitzvot . . .
I just had to mention to a woman whom I saw at Monday morning minyan that, while I'd seen many women wearing a tallit but not tefillin, I'd never before seen a woman wearing tefillin but not a tallit. She confirmed my guess--she doesn't wear a tallit because she's not married. This is a minhag/custom observed by many unmarried Ashkenazi Orthodox men, but I'd never seen a non-Orthodox unmarried woman follow this minhag before.
And speaking of garments . . .
I was struck by the fact that a number of the married women davvening/praying with the egalitarian minyan were indistinguable in their head-coverings from Orthodox married women, wearing head-scarves and "engineer" caps, head-gear that I don't generally associate with egalitarian women. There seems to be a return to more traditional attitudes toward head-covering among traditional egalitarian women than the approach with which I was raised (which held that everyone should cover their heads in synagogue), with a clear distinction between bareheaded single women and covered-headed married ones. I'll have to get used to that.
Photos and videos to follow--I haven't even had time to upload them.
Labels: Limmud
Riskin discusses controversial topics at Limmud NY
The short version of his presentation on whether peace with the Palestinians is possible was that many of the "regular" Palestinians want peace, but their leaders don't. Nevertheless, as a settler who's made a point of developing good relationships with the Palestinians of the villages near Efrat, he's hopeful that there will be peace, albeit in the long run.
The short version of his presentation on what went wrong with Israel and how it could be fixed was, surprisingly for an Orthodox rabbi, that religion should be separated from the government, so that Judaism can serve as a counterbalance, as it did in the case of the prophet Nathan confronting King David.
Rabbi Riskin is a good speaker, but you should probably be forewarned that all of his presentations seem to begin from the beginning--Tanach/the Bible--and work their way up to the present. So it takes him roughly 45 minutes to present the background, leaving him about 15 minutes to get to the actual topic. :) But the lead-up is well worth the wait.
Labels: Limmud
Monday, January 17, 2011
Limmud NY--more courses, more fun
Labels: Limmud
Our wonderful weekend at Limmud NY (part 1)
- Women are a distraction.
- Maybe that used to be true, but we’re so used to being in mixed-gender settings these days that it’s no longer an issue.
- You shouldn’t kiss your child in synagogue.
I put my two cents in, saying that I'd always found it interesting that Aharon/Aaron seems to have been Teflon-coated: He was never punished for his part in the Egel HaZahav/Golden Calf incident or for joining Miriam in complaining about Moshe's/Moses's marriage to a Cushite. I also picked up on Rabbi Hammer's comment that it was ironic that G-d told Miriam and Aharon that He/She never spoke directly to anyone but Moshe, and, in the process of thus rebuking them, He/She was, in fact, speaking to them directly for the first and only time! So I mentioned the similarity between that incident and the one in which the only time G-d spoke directly to Sarah was to rebuke her for laughing when He/She told Avraham that he and Sarah were going to have a baby despite their advanced ages.
Labels: Limmud
Thursday, January 13, 2011
A Parshat Bo link, slightly belated
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tactile memory
Oddly enough, I found that wearing a scarf tied behind my head but left open at the back made me feel feminine. I couldn't figure out why. After all, all of my baseball hats are pink (deliberately), and I'm now the proud owner of four hats designed for women.
It finally dawned on me that I've previously worn scarves tied the old-fashioned way (under the chin, which was very common when I was a child in the 1950's), and with the back tucked in and the sides pulled up front and wrapped around one another, turban-style--I haven't yet succeeded in creating the currently-popular bun-in-back style. But when I tie a scarf behind my head, leave all of the "ends" dangling down my back, leave it open in back instead of tucking it in, and pull the scarf above my ears, the way I like it, it feels very similar to wearing my then-long hair pulled back with a barrette, as I often did in my twenties.
I'm 61 years old, and I haven't had long hair since I was 28. Apparently, tactile memory goes a long way back.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Parshat Beshalach
21 And Miriam sang unto them: Sing ye to the LORD, for He is highly exalted: the horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea. {S}
- *Kol Isha (literally, "a woman's voice): the prohibition against a man hearing a woman sing, observed to varying degrees within the Orthodox community.
- Mechitzah (too lazy to format this link for the comment section.)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Not going there, literally :(
Tuesday Parshat(s) B'Shalach, is a Segulah [can't find a good link--an action that brings good luck?] for Parnossah [a livelihood]. [Ah, here's a segulah link. Not sure I like it, but . . .]
Please go to this link for the Teffilah (prayer)
May we all experience much Parnossah and Hatzlocha [luck]
Watch for Parshat(s) Mishpatim-Now designated Parhat(s) Parnossah. Get involved.
More information to follow!
Srulie Rosner
[ ¶ ]
As I said here,
“There seems to be a minhag/custom among some folks to read the whole section twice, either both times in Hebrew or once in Hebrew and once in the Targum Onkelos Aramaic translation, as if segulot--as much a form of superstitious belief and/or behavior as throwing salt over one's shoulder, in my opinion--aren't bad enough when performed once.” (DovBear agrees. Complete with sarcasm.)
[ ¶ ]
(Question: What on earth is happening to the Orthodox Union, that they’re suddenly so gung-ho on such a superstition-based practice?)
[ ¶ ]
The only good thing I ever got from participating in a recitation of Parshat HaMan is that I learned this:
[ ¶ ]
“Some non-Ashkenazim refrain from saying HaShem's name when reading the biblical passage of Parshat HaMan, saying "Amunai (my faith?)" instead of the Ashkenazi version, "Adoshem." I like that version much better, if for no other reason than that it rhymes with the original and would sound much better when one is singing sacred songs.”
[ ¶ ]
[ ¶ ]
Wed., Jan. 12, 2011 update: E. Fink shares a different perspective.
[ ¶ ]
Thurs., Jan. 13, 2011 update: Here's an oldie but goodie from ADDeRabbi.
Tragic & sad: The wounded & deceased
Then, on Sunday night, I heard news of the all-too-early death of Jewish singer/songwriter Debbie Friedman, remembered by Techelet here.
That's too much bad news. :(
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Video! New Year's Night Israeli Folk Dance Party
Eventually, I'll figure out how to "shrink" my videos so that they don't hide my sidebar when I "embed" them. Until then, sorry about providing links only.
Friday, January 07, 2011
Friday fun: Watch your language :)
- humongous--(hue-mahn-gus) presumably a mixture of "huge," monstrous," and "enormous."
- ginormous--presumably a mixture of "gigantic" and "enormous."
Now my B.A. in French kicks in--it seems to me that every language has "substitute non-words" for things of which we can't remember the name. Here are a few:
- English--thingie, thing-a-mabob, thing-a-majig, doohicky, what's-it, what-da-ya-call-it, what-cha-ma-call-it
- French--bidule, machin, truc
- Hebrew--ma-sheh-hu (?--this may be a real word). Any takers?
- Spanish--sorry, never learned Spanish well enough. Any takers?
What are some of your own favorites?
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Oil, schmoil: Another kind of spill
Parshat Bo notes
"Check out Parshat Bo, Exodus Chap. 10, v. 8-13: Moshe tells Par'o [Pharaoh] that they're taking the whole gang to make a sacrifice, but when Par'o objects, saying that only the men should go, HaShem sends another plague! So we women are indispensible for worship!
Said it before & I'll say it again--the blood on the doorposts was for us, not HaShem, who would surely have known which houses were home to B'nei Yisrael [the Children of Israel]. We had to be willing to "out" ourselves as B'nei Yisrael. It turns out that p'shat [the literal meaning of a biblical text] supports me: Chapt. 12, v. 13 specifies "the blood shall be a sign for you (v'hayah hadam lachem l'ot) . . . " The blood wasn't a no-tech GPS, leading HaShem to the houses of B'nei Yisrael--it was HaShem's way of forcing us to make a commitment. HaShem would spare only those who were willing to "out" themselves."
More notes (with Sh'mot [Shemot] and Vaera [Vaeira] thrown in for good measure).
Thurs., Jan. 6, 2011 update, courtesy of her comment: Here's Techelet's take.
Sat. night, Jan. 8, 2011: Better late than never, here's DovBear's Bo post.
Thurs., Jan. 13, 2011: Really late--my link, not the post--a political view from Rabbi Barry Leff .
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Parsha catch-up: Vaera
Here's Techelet's take.
Here's a previous post of mine on Parshat Vaera (Vaeira, whatever), with a little Sh'mot (Shemot) and Bo thrown in for good measure.
We spent New Year's night, Sat., Jan. 1, 2011, at Tamar's Israeli Folk Dance New Year's Marathon (from 8:30 PM until . . . well, they were still dancing when we left at around 2:30 AM) at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly, New Jersey. (I'll try to get some videos uploaded.) This would be of no relevance to the subject at hand, had not one of the passengers in our rented car assured my husband, the driver, that we'd be out of the fog as soon as we left Tenafly, commenting that Tenafly is at a sufficiently higher altitude than the surrounding area that it seems to have its own microclimate. Hmm, says I to myself, is it possible that the area then known as Goshen has or had a microclimate different from the area of Ancient Egypt that was, according to Torah, struck by the plagues, thus accounting for it having been spared most of the plagues? To mix this theory with a more traditional perspective, could HaShem have chosen shepherds to be our ancestors for the purpose of ensuring that, when we went down to Egypt, we'd end up in Goshen and be spared?